Worth It! by Joey Lucero

Joey Lucero wrote his autobiographical set of stories in Worth It! while incarcerated. The book is a wild ride through his unbelievable life experiences with family, friends, criminal associates, and a variety of celebrities, who make cameo appearances. Though the subject matter is often disturbing and sometimes sad, Lucero manages to find bizarre humor and even hope all along the way. Lucero has spent the majority of his adult life in custody (for everything from drug manufacturing and sales to driving without a license) but also plays music in a variety of bands, has been in long term romantic relationships, had long lasting friendships, and maintains an unbreakable commitment to his family, especially his mother, who sometimes joins him in his various exploits. Readers learn, through Lucero’s revealing, often hilarious, first-person writing, about an alternate reality that exist all around us. Worth It! is destined to become a classic of prison writing.

This is the third book in the Same Time series and features a preface by Zoe Dubno and cover artwork by Lauren dela Roche.

color photo of man laughing

About the author

Joseph Lucero was born January 25, 1970, in a snowstorm in Denver, Colorado. He has had many interesting years performing and traveling as a musician with his family. He made some bad choices and ended up in prison, where eventually he met the people who gave him the inspiration to write this book—the story of his life, which he hopes you will enjoy.